Wednesday, February 04, 2009

My daughter's school has an annual fundraising event which is a HUGE affair. It's the biggest event our school PTA throws each year and they typically raise a low six-figure amount. The amount of work that goes into it is astounding.

Each year my wife has spent an increasing amount of time on the auction, as she takes on a larger and larger role.

Two years ago it became a pretty big deal. She was spending a stupendous amount of time on that event and it impacted our family life. I was annoyed. I sulked, whined, ignored her, and generally made life even less pleasant around the house. Amazingly, that didn't solve the problem.

Last year I decided to not be an ass. I wasn't going to help her with the ridiculous burden she had undertaken, but I wasn't going to punish her for it either. She was clearly punishing herself enough.

This year? I give up. I can't beat her. I can't make the auction go away. So, against my better judgment, I'm actually helping her.

The moral of the story? Don't get married. It eats away at you from the inside.


Anonymous said...

"The moral of the story? Don't get married. It eats away at you from the inside. "

Now you tell me, 11 years in with the second husband ....

Mike said...

Don't worry, it eats away at you VERY slowly.