Wednesday, August 09, 2006

Well, tomorrow we leave for Vermont. Hank is determined to get onto that airplane no matter how many pieces her spine is in. It seems to be in fewer pieces today than yesterday, so I guess that's good.

Daisy is really looking forward to the trip. She gets to spend time with relatives who spoil her, there's a friendly dog involved, and we'll celebrate her birthday for the third damn time. It's good being 7.

We'll be staying with Hank's mom in her lovely house on Lake Champlain. Although it's a charming place, it's not particularly well-connected to the Internet or even modern cell-phone networks. I'm bringing large quantities of tin cans and string in an effort to continue blogging from this cyberdesertish location. If that doesn't work, I'll try to bribe Mabel, the town phone operator, with maple sugar candy, or Ben & Jerry's or something.

On a mostly unrelated note, what's the thing that has brought Hank the most comfort the last few days? Her stressed husband? Looming travel? No! It's the chillow! Just the thing for an aching back.


carey said...

I hope Vermont is set up with a series of tubes for your internet use. To go with your tin cans.

Have fun!

zelda1 said...

Your inlaws place sounds like my sister's place in the woods, well it's her cabin on the white river and while there is electricity and running water and internet, the internet is that really slow dial up and most of the time it is out. We used to go there a lot but then I got tired of nothing to do. It was a place I could write, but my hubby is not an outsdoor's man, so he spent a lot of time trying to get the antennae of the televison to get that third channel and cursing and, well, it ust runined the muse. So, I haven't been in a while, other than to drive up for a night or two and back down. I truly hope you have fun in the woods of Vermont. We are supposed to go up that way for the foilage change; I'm thinking not.

Anonymous said...

foilage change, that's when reynold's wrap puts out their newly designed boxes...

Mike said...

Carey, that Tubes quote is going to go down in infamy. Poor idiotic bastard.

Zelda, I think fall is probably the best time to be in Vermont. Summer was pretty, and there was tons of green, but it was ALL green. No color diversity!

Nrd2, what did you do before you had blogs to comment on?

Anonymous said...

well, mike, i wrote you letters to which you'd respond by saying i should write a blog. it's much easier this way, though. today's entry would pretty much be describing the wretched summer cold i have. i'm pretty sure i got it at pf changs when the waiter put his thumb on the rim of my plate of pan-fried shrimp dumplings (sublime that they usually are when not disease laden).

Mike said...

Oh Nrd2, I just give you a hard time because sometimes I have no witty comebacks to your comment jokes. I'm sorry you're not feeling well though. Have some nice chicken soup.