Thursday, August 17, 2006

Hoooooeeeee, I'm a crappy sonofabitch today.

First, I had to go into the actual office, surrounded by humans all day. My journey into the heart of Silicon Valley was rewarded with a 6 hour long meeting where I got about 2 weeks of work added to my plate. Fun!

After that, I'm at Daisy's Tae Kwon Do class chatting with one our friends, and I'm telling him about our Vermont trip. Since I had just written a blog entry about it, I re-used all that material in our conversation. The Lake Champlain stuff, the maple syrup stuff, the 7 miles to get a quart of milk stuff, all of it. Shortly afterwards, he asks, "Hey how's that blog of yours? How can I find it?"

So, now he's going to see that basically I re-use all my material. Sorry, man.

Now, I'm at home and can prepare for.... our annual camping trip, which I also hate. Well, I don't actually hate it, but I've come to the conclusion that I'm just too damn lazy to camp. All the packing, and preparing, and the general uncomfortableness that comes with sleeping all smooshed in a sleeping bag in a small tent, it's just more hassle than fun. Plus, we JUST got home 2 days ago from the damn Vermont trip. We still have suitcases full of dirty clothes.

Anyway, if you think I'm happy about this, imagine how happy Hank is to have me around.

Good times.


The girl-next-door said...

Ok grumpy grump...get the Chillow, and call it a night. Things could be still could be on Tamagotchi duty. Cheer up!

Mike said...

I'd trade this camping trip for Tamagotchi duty in a heartbeat. So far, no one has made me that offer.

Leesa said...

Yeah, I can pass on camping too. I have the wilderness right here. For some reason we just switched over to sleeping bags, freezing temps and no electricity.
Have fun though ;)

Mike said...

Leesa, yeah, your everyday life is practically camping.

Anyway, here I goooooooooo......

Unknown said...

Sounds like you could use some white chocolate, you poor thing!

I like camping as long as there is a proper restroom on the camp grounds.

Anonymous said...

camping, that's a holiday inn, right?

Willie Baronet said...

I feel your pain man. I hate too much traveling. But I also hate too much staying at home. ;-)

zelda1 said...

I am with you on the camping. WAy too long to pack, way too much to do after you get there and unpack and for what? Hubby, though, loves it and usually, we have to do it at least once a year and I try and talk him into letting me stay at a motel six or worse, but he says no, let's do it and we do it and I am sore and stiff and he is good for a year. Man if sex could be so simple.

Unknown said...

Well, you didn't say that you wouldn't blog on your camping trip.

It's been a long time since I've been camping, so I have to modify my camping requirements:

The grounds must have a good proper restroom AND internet access (wi-fi)

I don't think I'm asking too much. Do you?

Mike said...

JR, "proper restroom"? Spoken like someone who hasn't been camping since they became an adult.

Nrd2, oh, how I wish. It's a crappy vacation when I'm wishing that I was at a Motel 6 instead.

Rrramone, you confused me. "Too much staying at home"? What is this? I know all those words individually, but when you put them together like that, it makes no sense.

Zelda1, maybe you can convince Mr. Zelda to get his camping and sex needs all out at once. Then, after one sticky weekend, you're done for the year.

Unknown said...

Guilty as charged.

I just read your newest post. I think I've been walking around with rose tinted camping nostalgia for...15+ years now.


Mike said...

JR, oh, don't get me wrong. I always have a nice time. :)

zelda1 said...

Yeah, but really, that would still be way too much. I'm thinking about, though I really wouldn't, but still thinking why not give him a big dose of poison ivy, that is the next time we camp. Just go find a leaf, one leaf and gently rub it on his hands, and well, guess what, I bet he is fixed of that camping itch. Oh my what a play I had with that. The sex, he is getting so old and hopefully, he will fizzle, yeah, every old woman's dream a fizzled hubby. You are young, you all are young, you will see; there will come a day when you will wake up and sex with others, well, it will just be too much of an effort and you decide that a good book, blog, or even cartoons are much better. So, enjoy those primal urges while they still exists naturally, cause there will come a day when they just cease. To me, that is fine, to some, well it's not fine. Too bad, we all have to learn to love where we are at on this journey through life and our enviornment. Sorry, way to philosophical. I'll stop

Mike said...

Soooooo, my blog is better than sex?